Mobile Talent: Capturing Applicants On The Go?

By September 23, 2015For Companies

The growth of mobile technology in talent acquisition is phenomenal. In fact, we use our smartphones, tablets and laptops for anything and everything these days – be it ordering stationary or finding a new employee. It’s essential business owners and decision makers take note of this if they wish to stay up-to-date in today’s fast-paced industry environment.

When it comes to advertising a job, look no further than the small screen. Cisco revealed in its 2015 Visual Networking Index Mobile Data Forecast 2014-2019 that there will be 11.5 billion mobile-ready devices across the globe by 2019, showing the true scale of the mobile market that is there to be tapped into.

And many employees are already turning to mobile. 47% of job seekers are using mobile when searching for a role. What’s more, is that they are using it in any number of locations – from their bed to the office!

In order to be perceived as up-and-coming and forward thinking, it’s imperative your company has mobile technology in place. Budding employees want to move forward not backwards, which is one of the reason’s tech-savvy companies have more job applicants than anyone else. In order to obtain top talent, you must be perceived as a great brand.


If you’re busy putting an online recruiting experience in place for your business, you need to design it with the user in mind. Offering a great candidate experience will help you to attract the right people – individuals who are not only skilled, but also hugely passionate about what they do. In fact, mobile recruitment approaches play a huge part in raising brand awareness and accomplishing hiring objectives.

If you’re looking for future leaders and top employees, then you must ensure you have a successful mobile recruitment platform in place. This particular style of recruitment helps you find talent that may have otherwise gone unnoticed.

Today’s top employees are exploring their options on the go, which is why offering a mobile platform is a must!

You can do this by posting job descriptions on social networks such as LinkedIn and Facebook. You can even tweet you’re hiring. Most of today’s top career dogs are searching for new opportunities online and usually when on the go.

Author Jobbio

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