Inside Jobbio: Owen Reynolds, Head of Marketing

Meet the Jobbio Team

Ever wondered what makes Jobbio tick?

Welcome to “Inside Jobbio”, a new series where we’ll be exploring the work-related insights Team Jobbio have gleaned throughout their varied and illustrious careers.

In this, our first instalment, Owen Reynolds, Head of Marketing, details how a chance stint at a Sydney startup led to his pivot into tech, why he values autonomy and an openness to learn new skills, and the importance of rolling up your sleeves and pitching in, regardless of level. 

Name: Owen Reynolds

Job title: Head of Marketing

Educational background: Bachelor of Commerce in UCD, followed by a MSc Marketing Practice in Smurfit School of Business

How long have you worked at Jobbio? 

I’ve been at Jobbio for six years now. I started as Marketing Lead but was promoted to Head of Marketing within my first year. 

What was your career path to getting this job? 

I’ve had lots of jobs! I started in Johnson & Johnson Medical on their graduate programme and spent three years there, followed by a short stint at Boots. 

I went to Australia and was lucky enough to get sponsored, so I worked for some big businesses in Sydney including Optus and Yahoo, in digital marketing roles. 

When I came back to Ireland I worked at CarTrawler in loyalty and retention for two years before I moved to Jobbio. 

How do you think your previous roles led to this job? 

I’ve always done my best work when I have autonomy, can try news things, learn on the fly and get things done. 

When I met our CEO, Stephen Quinn, in the interview, I knew I’d have that autonomy here, and this has allowed me to do some of the most fulfilling work of my career to date.   

How did you land your first role in tech? 

I could see that the marketing landscape was moving to digital, so before leaving for Australia I completed a Diploma in Digital Marketing with the Digital Marketing Institute. 

When I got to Australia, one of my good friends was working in finance for a tech startup. They were looking for a marketing executive, and he managed to get me an interview. 

From there I got hired on an initial four-month contract but luckily for me they sponsored me, allowing me to stay in Australia for five years. I suppose it was a bit of luck, combined with having the right skillset, and an openness to learn.  

“I try to take the best bits I’ve learned from my previous managers and apply that to how I communicate with people and lead teams.”

How did you develop leadership skills to progress in this industry? 

I’ve had different managers over the years — some good and some not so good. 

I try to take the best bits I’ve learned from my previous managers and apply that to how I communicate with people and lead teams. 

What skills or characteristics do you value in your colleagues? 

Approachability and honesty. 

Approachability because you want people that are easy to work with and open to trying new things. Honesty because you don’t want people to sugar-coat things. If we know the issue or what the situation is, we can work through solving it as a team.

What do you do on a daily and weekly basis? 

I’m on the management team here at Jobbio, so half my work is more strategically focused, for example, how we’re going to grow the business and market new products and the other half of my work is working with the team to implement those initiatives. 

Because our team is quite lean, I am very much rolling up my sleeves and building emails and running campaigns, which I like, because it gives me an understanding of what works and what we need to adapt.

Owen pictured with marketing executive, Jasper James


What work-related phrase are you known for? 

People in the office slag me for the Australian twang in my Irish accent, particularly when I say the word “Australia” [Ed’s note: Strayyyyya]. 

I’m also known for having an after lunch mint and always have a packet at my desk, so you’ll regularly hear the question, “Anyone want a mint?”

What’s your favourite thing about your job? 

Two things stand out: working with such a smart bunch every day, and the mission. 

While Jobbio has evolved a lot over the past six years, the mission has always stayed the same. We want to connect great people with great companies, so that more people are happy in jobs they want to be in. 

What’s your best piece of advice for someone looking to get a similar role?

Always have your next career step in mind, even if you’re happy where you are. 

Once a year look at what jobs you’d like to be doing in the future and see what the requirements are in those job specs. 

If you don’t currently have those skills, see how you can go about adding them to your skillset in your current role. 

“Often the job spec will detail the ‘ideal candidate’ but that person rarely exists, so think about your transferable skills.” 

How would you advise leveraging existing skills to land a job in the tech industry? 

Even if you don’t have all of the skills they are looking for, apply anyway. 

Often the job spec will detail the “ideal candidate” but that person rarely exists, so think about your transferable skills and how you can apply them to the role and adapt them for a tech company. 

At Jobbio we’ve often hired people that haven’t worked in tech before but if they have the right skills and an open attitude they can learn the technical side of things. 

For more career advice, check out our Cheat Sheet series where we’re delving into essential job hunting topics including how to write your best CV ever and the things you should never say in a job interview.

Images: Anthony Woods

Author Aoibhinn McBride

More posts by Aoibhinn McBride

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