A Day in the Life of Laura Whelan, Healthcare Manager at Momentum Support

By February 11, 2019Day in the Life Series

What do you do and how did you get there?

I work in the Mater Hospital as a healthcare manager. I started off my career in Momentum as a supervisor in St. James Hospital. I then worked in St. Vincent’s hospital where I gained invaluable experience. I was then promoted to Manager of Crumlin Children’s hospital. I spent three challenging and rewarding years there. I learnt a lot from my time in Crumlin Children’s Hospital and was able to apply what I learnt to my next role as Site Manager in the Mater Hospital.

How do you spend your day?

A typical day starts with a handover with the supervisors to discuss the day ahead. I may have meetings scheduled with some of the hospital groups I am involved with. We are currently involved with the decant project preparing the wards after refurbishments. I always make sure to visit a few of the wards and chat to the CNMs to make sure they are satisfied with the cleaning standards on their wards. I also make sure to chat with the staff to make sure they are happy on the ward as they are just as important as our clients.

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What’s the best part of your role?

The most rewarding part of my role is promoting and encouraging our staff to do the best they can in their roles, and to watch them grow within the company. I have had many operatives that have been promoted to supervisors and managers. This is the best feeling knowing that you are part of their growth and development.

What’s the biggest challenge?

The biggest challenge in my role is learning to deal with and adapt to all the different personalities I meet with daily.

What qualities are needed to excel in your role?

I think integrity is the most important quality to excel in my role.

Any advice for someone applying for a role like yours?

I think it is important that you have the correct attitude and always treat people with the utmost respect.

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Why should someone be excited about working in your role or company?

There is great career prospects within Momentum Support but you have to be enthusiastic and willing to learn and develop within your role.

What’s your ultimate career goal?

My career goal is to continue on improving in my current role as I am learning something new every day. I hope that one day I will have the experience to move on to a more senior role within the company.

What’s the one thing you wish people knew about your job?

No two days are the same! Most are really rewarding and bring new opportunities to learn and grow.

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Author Aoife Geary

Aoife Geary is the Content Editor at Jobbio specialising in the areas of Workplace Culture, Diversity, Startups and Digital Trends. She's partial to a burrito, a bad pun and living way beyond her means.

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