Follow these steps to create great employer branding content

By August 27, 2020For Companies

The employer brand is something that is an essential part of not only hiring top talent but also humanising and telling your company story to anybody that is internal or external.

This means telling your story to attract talent as well as telling your story to your current employees for employee engagement. It is about shining a light to future hires and customers on who the people are behind the product.

And what’s the best way to achieve this? It’s all about content!

employer branding content

We have all heard the expression “content is king”. It implies that unique, high-quality, interesting and relevant content contributes significantly to the success of companies on the Internet. And it also contributes to the success of companies showcasing their employer brand and hiring top talent.

Content is what feeds the engine. It is the fuel. Without employers having meaningful content, it’s harder for candidates to be attracted to a company and select in or out of the hiring process. It is also difficult for your current workforce to stay engaged and connected. Put simply, without content, you can not tell your story! It is not always easy to do. It takes a mix of content like video, photography and articles to be transparent and authentic in your employer branding.

So what are the steps you need to take to achieve meaningful and successful employer branding content?

Develop your content strategy

The first step in creating employer branding content is figuring out what kind of content will resonate with your audience. This involves doing some research and starting discussions with your current workforce. You want to ask them questions about their interests. What do they do outside of work? Where do they get their news? What is important to them? By gathering information like this, you are able to develop the kind of content that will attract talent that will succeed in your company. The hiring team then needs to ask themselves, what roles are we hiring for and where do we need a focus on right now? These different elements will help you to develop an employer branding content strategy and from there you can build out an editorial calendar.

employer branding content

Mix up your content

The top forms of content to showcase your employer brand are video, photography and blog posts. When creating content, you need to make sure it’s accessible, diverse and an experience for the viewer. Look at the different channels you want to post on and see what content works best for each. Some content works well on certain channels and doesn’t always perform on others.

Blog posts: These need to be concise and make key points early on to keep talent engaged.

Photography: When it comes to photography, people remember images six times easier than text! So it is essential to add really nice, humanising images in blog posts when you can. Visuals can be really powerful and can help to give people an inside look into your workforce.

Video: The most important thing is making all your employer branding content really consumable and that’s when video comes in. Video content is usually the best choice as it is really accessible on all platforms and gives people an experience like they’re right there. It is also the most consumed type of content on the internet so if you want to increase conversation and exposure, video is a must in your strategy.

employer branding content


Stories are the most powerful tool to engage the human brain. The best and most effective way to attract candidates is to showcase employee stories. This is a best practice in the employer branding industry however some companies are still missing the opportunity to feature their employees at the forefront of their employer brand. Quotes and office photography are great, and they’re important as they get potential candidates to picture themselves in the workplace, but stories leave a lasting impression which makes you as a company memorable. Storytelling is the most effective way to convey your culture to potential employees and make sure you’re considering the best talent for the position.

Leverage employee-generated content

Your best employer brand ambassadors are your employees. They are the most trusted source of truth about how your company works. If you want to tell the story of your company, they are your best storytellers. Encourage them to share a compelling story about your company and help you recruit top talent. If you are trying to build an employer brand for a company, you can’t be everywhere at once so reach out to your employees and ask them to capture content for you. This allows for a variety of real content from real people which is perfect for social media feeds. This type of content doesn’t feel like marketing but looks authentic. It’s also a great way to boost engagement and employees usually love getting involved so try have fun with it!

Looking to create content? Get in touch with our employer branding experts


Author Megan Curtis

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