5 skill sets that you should have on your growth marketing team

By August 18, 2020For Companies

Do you have a growth marketing team in your business?

If you’re trying to drive growth for a business, then you have more than likely heard all about growth hacking, and growth marketing.

No, there’s no actual “hacking” of sorts, think of it more like data-driven marketing that’s aimed at delivering growth to a business. 

In short, growth marketing is the process of designing and conducting experiments to improve the results of a target area. If you have a certain metric you want to increase, growth marketing is a method you can use to achieve that. 

Growth marketers are specialised, and have a number of specific skills that allow them to do their job.

Typically, growth marketing is an analytically minded function that focuses more on the data side of marketing than the creative aspects. Below, we have outlined five of the skill sets that you should have on your growth marketing team…

growth marketing

Analytical Skills

Collecting, analysing, and using data is pretty much at the core of what growth marketers do, so naturally, expert level analytical skills are crucial. Growth managers are responsible for finding ways to improve their products, and in order to do that, they need to source valuable information within the date they collect. Analytical skills will allow growth marketers to gain valuable insight into their users, and ultimately, to promote business growth. 

UX Skills

It is crucial that growth marketers have a strong understanding of User Experience. In it’s most simple form, UX is important because it tries to fulfil a user’s needs. It aims to provide positive experiences that keep users loyal to the product or brand. So you can see why it would benefit in growth marketing, right? 

growth marketing

Acquisition Skills

User acquisition is an important part of any growth marketer’s job. Ultimately, the goal of any marketer is to acquire new users, and grow the business right? So, what kind of a growth hacker be able to do in terms of marketing skills? Stuff like SEO, PR, influencer marketing, paid social media and content marketing will all benefit you and your team. 

Technical Skills

So, as previously mentioned, the difference between a growth marketer and a traditional marketer is mainly down to technical skills. Growth Hackers need to be able to build and optimise landing pages. They should also have a decent grasp on front-end code, such as the basics of HTML and CSS. Web scraping will also be extremely beneficial for collecting leads. 

growth marketing

A/B Testing Skills

A/B testing is the process of comparing two versions of a web page, email, or other marketing asset and measuring the difference in performance. You do this giving one version to one group and the other version to another group. Then you can see how each variation performs. It is an important part of a growth marketers role to conduct these kinds of tests. 

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Author Rebecca O'Keeffe

More posts by Rebecca O'Keeffe

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